A wide range of subsidy programs for diverse learning resources are provided to all the to back up diverse learning resources for the range from preschool to adult education. Guide students to grasp onto changing technologies, to make use of technology and social network, cultivate cross-disciplinary communication and integration skills to connect to the international stage. Prepare students with holistic education, and practice the competencies in life, to inspire students to break through the comfort zone of learnings. The City provides career choice explorations with diversified learning opportunities, and instills lifelong learning capabilities and attitude in students, to foster innovative and competitive talents. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, to nurture innovative and competitive talents.
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and Goal-4 effective learning outcomes.
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood
development, care and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education.
By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university.
By 2030,substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical substantially and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.
By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy.
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.
To fulfill the needs of parents in preschool education, establish friendly education service environment and increase the supply of public education services. Continue to utilize the free spaces in primary and middle schools active by increasing classes or opening new public and non-profit kindergartens. Establish public kindergartens in newly built social housings, and at the same time, actively encourage private kindergartens to join in quasi-public kindergartens in order to increase the supply volume of public education services. Additionally, the City places priority in the setup of special education preschool in the special education school. Then through downward extension of tuition subsidies and distribution of parental subsidies, alleviate the parents’ burden of childrearing.
Taipei City School Environmental Education Center was established in 2019. By combining cross-domain external resources at the core, arrange environmental education via various activities, teaching plans, course designs and leaflets and educational campaigns. Assist teachers and the general public in understanding various issues in environmental education, so to increase the action knowledge in environmental conservation. Integrate resources from the City’s three tiers of environmental education counseling group and experts and scholars, formulate school environmental education strategic plans and create an alliance of sustainable schools.
Encourage schools to pool relevant resources together from the police unit, the social unit, private organizations, neighborhood communities and construct a network of school district resources. 18 schools were also subsidized in 2019 to establish a counseling resources network for dropouts, to increase counseling outcomes for school resumption. 60 middle schools and 11 primary schools were also subsidized to establish dropout prevention implementations with flexible adaptable courses; 47 middle schools are subsidized to promote diversified skills development classes customizing to the students’ needs and orientations. These help students with adaptive exploration, which elevates the students’ learning motivation.
In addition, in cooperation with private institutions to set up collaborative dropout classes such as Good Shepard School Academy and Elim Youth Academy, to provide students who are unfit for school systems with multiple schooling choices by planning diversified courses for different varieties of students.
In 2019, the two academies served 40 students, providing them with adaptive learning to complete middle school education.The City has established a student counseling and care service location in the community with collective efforts from Xin Min Juniorr High School and Taipei City Beitou Culture Foundation. Plan activities and elective courses that students will feel interested in, and arrange for professional career experiences in the community. Lead youths in the search for future careers and create a stage for diversified development.
In order to inspire every child’s interest in learning a skill, collaborate with Taipei City Vocational Development Institute. In 2019, opened “Expresso Coffee and Latte Art”, “Practices of Chinese Cuisine”, “Auto Repair and Maintenance”, “Making of the Micro Weather Station” and “Trending Baking”, allowing students to explore adaptive vocation and encourage diversified development.
Since August 2014, the 12-year Basic Education was divided into two stages. The first nine years are national compulsory education as per “Primary and Junior High School Act” and “Compulsory Education Act”. The target is school-age children between 6 and 15 years old. Under the principles of being universal, obligatory, compulsory, tuition-free, government-hosted, school districts are divided with exam-free enrollment. The schools are single type schooling where general education is to be taught. The following three years are senior high school education as per “Senior High School Education Act”. The target is nationals aged 15 or older. It is universal, voluntary, tuitionfree, parallel public and private education, primarily examfree, multi-type schooling, to consider of both general and vocational education.
In response to the Ministry of Education amendment of “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education” in 2019, programming and computational thinking were included into high school compulsory courses. The City in 2016 took the initiative to design the syllabus of information and technology courses under science and technology, and prepared primary school “compilations of teaching examples”, to allow teachers to gradually nurture the students’ abilities in programming, robotic concepts and computational thinking by taking unplugged courses in lower grades of primary schools.
To take root, the City’s primary school students begin learning about information literacy by taking unplugged courses in lower grades, mainly to nurture students in computational thinking, graphical programming and information literacy (i.e. Scratch, Google Blockly). At junior high school level, gradually enhance the students’ ability in textual programming, mainly in programming languages such as python, JAVA. At the senior high school level, use textual programming language (i.e.C+ +) to learn advanced programming, to gradually increase the depth of programming education and computational thinking.
With the directions of “safety”, “accessibility”, “inclusiveness”, “environmental integration”, inclusive playgrounds in schools have been planned, and the design has been discussed with teachers and students of the school, neighborhood residents, physically disabled groups, experts and scholars. Priorities are given to schools that have centralized separate classes and resource classrooms, and have suitable outdoor spaces. Those schools with facilities past their service lives will be prioritized.
In 2019, new inclusive playgrounds have been installed in nine schools: Daan Elementary School, Jianan Elementary School, Heping Experimental Elementary School, Wenlin Elementary School, Tanmei Elementary School, Guting Elementary School, Taipei School of Special Education, Rixin Elementary School, Hsinglung Elementary School. Following this, the goal is to continue to add three schools every year.
The “supportive learning and stimulated learning program for Taipei City’s primary schools” is implemented. Upon taking the screening test, provide learning opportunities to students needing supportive learning (remedial teaching). Then take knowledge exams to follow up on the students’ learning progress, so to increase the students’ learning ability.
Utilize free spaces in each school, and by using subsidies from the Department of Education and the City’s own funding, encourage each school to implement fundamental education courses for adults. A total of 84 courses were opened in 2019 (58 courses for nationals, 26 for new immigrants), so to complete adult education.
To implement thoroughly international education and integrate international education elements into different learning domains, the City scheduled December as the “International Development Education Month” to combine with sustainable development content. Thanks to such elaborate efforts, the students could learn up to about 17 sustainable development goals and issues through learning tasks. Then, in turn, they would take the initiate to act on it and continue to care about issues related to sustainable development and cultivate their national identity, international literacy, global competitiveness as well as global responsibility. Through the efforts to print three sets of resource handbooks for elementary schools (senior grades), junior high school and senior high and senior high vocational schools, we offer such handy resource handbooks into use by public and private schools of all levels. Those schoolteachers could combine the existent courses and integrate them into sustainable development issues in the classrooms, inspiring students to reflect on global issues and work out solution strategies and hands-on practices.
As per “Regulations Governing Prevention and Control of Bullying on Campuses” by the Ministry of Education, establish “Taipei City School Prevention and Control of Bullying on Campus Implementation Plan”. Construct “friendly campuses” that are student-centered and schoolbased, and emphasize on aspects of respect, care, empathy, tolerance, safety, inclusiveness. Among which, stress is placed on gender equality education, student counseling mechanism, human rights education, civic education, life education, special education and information literacy and ethics education, to inspire virtue of justice, honor, mutual assistance, care and empathy among peers, in order to eliminate behaviors of campus bullying.
1. Through dat to day teaching, encourage and teach students how to comunicate rationally, help otheres aactively and handle interpersonal relationshiops, to nurture their sense of responsibilty, moral ethies, helpfulness and the attitude of self-respect and respect for otheres, so to create a friendly campus environmont.
2. STrengthen the advocation of ruule of law education, moral education, human rights education, life education, gender equality education, information ethics education, deviant behavior prevention and contral and victimization prevention, to lay the foundation for prevention and contral of bullying on campus.
3.Each school semester regularly holds relevant on -the- job traning actrivites, to fortify knowledge and problem-solving abililties for prevention and control of bullying on campus.
4.Make use of resources from retired teacheres and parents association, and hold volunteer recruitment workshops to assist the school in prevention of bullying on campus and fortify campus security inspections.
5.Utilize carious eduction and publicity campaigns, encouracge students to apply for investigation of or to report campus bully incidents as carly as possible to facilitate evidence collection and investigation.
Students studying in separate classes in senior high schools not only face low employment rates in the workplace due to intellectual disabilities, whether the students’ abilities meet the requirements of the job market is also a great challenge. The City values the future employment rate of intellectually disabled students currently studying in senior high schools, so emphasis of course planning is placed on workplace integration. The “supportive employment transition program for Taipei City’s senior high school graduates with disabilities” is implemented, and cooperate with the Department of Labor to assist graduates with the application of supportive employment, so that they can successfully make the workplace transit.