In order to build a safe water management system, plans for water supply stabilization and smart management for Feitsui Reservoir is instituted to provide a clean, sustainable and stable water source. Beginning from the upgrade of tap water supply quality to proper processing of sewage, improve and monitor the existing water supply network, to reduce water loss in the process of supplying water. Meanwhile, encourage the sustainable use of recycled water and rainwater, and arrange local activities, so that consensus can be reached among various organizations and community. As a result, a community sustainability model can be established, and the spirit of water resources sustainability can be achieved. Establish a community sustainability model, and carry on the spirit of water recycling.
By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.
By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.
By 2030, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.
The main regulated water pollution sources are community sewer systems, medical institutions and tourism hotels (restaurants). To better grasp the discharge of pollutants by businesses and community sewer systems, continual pollution detection of regulated businesses and sewer systems will be enhanced, with regulated businesses auditing target rate of 100%. Make timely inspection of the quality of effluent water, and urge industries to implement the proper operation and actual declaration of sewage treatment facilities in order to implement water pollution prevention and control work.
Encourage citizens to participate in water environment patrols and river conservation, utilize the power of the public to clean up rivers and reduce pollution, and expand water environment education. The water environment patrol team consists of 20 teams, with a patrol length totaling 105 kilometers. The areas include Jingmei River, Xindian River, Keelung River and Tamsui River; the river basin forms an intricate monitoring network. Regular river purification, river cleanup activities are held, so that citizens can get close to rivers and join in the water environment protection team. Additionally, improve the water quality of Shuimokeng Creek using the natural purification method for the artificial wetland at Guandu Nature Park. The volume of treated water is more than 2,500 CMD.
The Feitsui Reservoir is an important water source for the Greater Taipei Metropolitan Area, with a population of six million people (including population of New Taipei City ). To ensure Feitsui Reservoir is able to meet water demand and to create an environment of no water shortage in Greater Taipei, the City has drafted the “Feitsui Reservoir Stable Water Supply Plan” and “Feitsui Reservoir Smart Management”, to regularly conduct “analysis of the supply and demand of water source”, “seasonal long-term reservoir water storage capacity estimation”, “ten-day operation plan” works, in order to better grasp changing water conditions. Combine with the latest information technology, build a smart reservoir decision-making system to provide the technical assistance required in the operation of the reservoir, to strengthen the use of water resources and maintain stable water supply.
In light of increasingly scarce water resources, in order to effectively use water resources to prevent system leakage and reduce water leakage rate, the City has planned a 20-year “water supply pipe network improvement and management plan” long-term strategy ( 2006-2025 ), divided into four executive stages. It is currently in the third stage ( 2016-2020 ), and the bridging to the fourth stage ( 2020-2025 ) is being initiated, which will comprehensively implement the community measurement method to control water leakage and improve outcomes.
Then, according to the pipeline replacement, water pressure management, active detection of leakage and repair rate quality recommended by the International Water Association ( IWA ) on amount of water lost in network, through multipronged approach, improve the water supply network system and gradually reduce the leakage rate.
Between 2006 and 2019, the length of replaced old pipelines totaled 2,173 kilometers, with an average annual replacement rate of 2.49%, exceeding the recommended value of 1.5% by the International Water Supply Association ( IWA ) every year. The water leakage rate also decreased from 26.99% in the end of 2005 to 12.71% in 2019, having a decrease of 14.28% in a 14-year period, averaging an annual decrease of 1.02%.
Implement the water pollution source regulatory licensing system, and adopt methods including setting up waste (sewage) water treatment facilities, recycling, storage, drainage into underground sewer system and entrusted treatment for businesses. Permits must be applied in accordance with the law so to accurately grasp onto information of pollution sources. Regulated water pollution sources are required to regularly declare the operation of waste water treatment facilities, the inspection and power usage records of the quality and quantity of effluent water, and strictly implement terminal end auditing and control work.
In order to improve the quality of tap water supply, a total of 95 water quality monitoring stations are set up with 24-hour continuous monitoring. Multi-barrier strategy is used on water purification, and set an internal control standard 10 times stricter than the “Drinking Water Quality Standards” to control the final water quality of water purification plants. Using precision online monitoring to ensure the clean water quality fully comply with “Drinking Water Quality Standards”. From 2017 to 2019, the average finish water turbidity ranged between 0.02 and 0.03 NTU, which is far below the regulatory limit ( 2 NTU ). The cumulative frequency of finish water turbidity under 0.1 NTU is between 99.1~99.8%, surpassing advanced countries cumulative frequency controlled goal of 95% for less than 0.1 NTU.
Water quality monitoring is conducted for water sources, raw water, finish water of purification plants, and clean water supply. Raw and clean water are sampled on an average of 480 times and 230 times per year and inspected 8,456 items, 4,262 items, respectively. Meanwhile, representative points are set in the water supply network according to population distribution conditions. Representative points are sampled and inspected monthly. Averagely sampling 7,519 times per year with 46,808 inspection items. 139 water quality inspection items are inspected by water quality examination laboratory, far exceeding the regulatory 68 items for drinking water quality standard. Over the years, inspection results have all met the Drinking Water Quality Standards. Relevant water quality inspection results are published on the website to achieve the transparency of water quality information.
After the sewage is treated and discharged through the sewage treatment plant, the City also carries out the spirit of circular economy and strives to increase the “effluent recycling” to increase the use of reclaimed water on a full scale to be used free of charge by external units and the public and actively encourage nonhuman uses such as watering of flowers and trees, cleaning of the environment, lower temperature on the surface of the roads by using reclaimed water. In conjunction with environmental education courses, the advantages of reclaimed water and the importance of reclaiming water resources sustainability are promoted.
The Dihua Sewage Treatment Plant and Neihu Sewage Treatment Plant produce 10,000 CMD and 20,000 CMD of reclaimed water respectively. After they are treated, they provide plant flushing, plant watering, street cooling, equipment cleaning and secondary level water usage for the public. Between 2017 and 2019, the average monthly reclaimed water usage volume was 227,394 m3, which is equivalent to saving about 370 million bottles of 600 c.c. water each month.
The domestic sewage in the City is collected through the sewage system to the sewage treatment plant, where sewage is safely purified and treated until it meets national effluent standards, and discharged. In 2019, the fifth phase of branch network division project and user drainage equipment project for Taipei City’s administrative districts was implemented. The sewage treatment population ratio has reached 84.83%. In the sixth phase of the project (2020-2023), the promotion of sewage pipeline connection project and lifespan extension of sewage pipelines project will continue, with the aim to comprehensively increase the sewage pipeline connection rate and service-life extension of sewage pipeline( 79.45% in 2019), so that the sewage treatment population ratio of the City can increase.
The goal for 2020 and 2021 is to increase 8,000 households per year, and periodically revise the target household takeover numbers of each year according to the actual situations, and to increase the sewage treatment population ratio.
The Tianmu Water Trail Festival is an important festival activity in Tianmu community. Through the preparation process, the consensus between organizations in the Tianmu area and the community can be reached to deepen community identity and to build the ecological cultural circle of Tianmu. Develop a model of community sustainable management. The Caoshan Waterway system is integrated into various schools to develop Waterway themed courses to showcase results of the Water Trail Festival using posters to nurture students’ attitude in cherishing water resources, to implement education of the local place and the love for water in order to achieve the goal of sprout education.